This is the seventh part of these Posts
Quality of Education which improves Quality of Life in India
What is the current situation?
In the previous part we saw the need to improve the education system at the school level and bringing meritocracy and improved academic standards. The larger issue is what is being taught at the school level? The focus today is primarily on knowledge which helps a student to pursue a chosen higher education and get a job. I am not saying this is the only thing taught, neither am I saying all the schools do the same. But in general the focus today is knowledge through memorizing and getting high grades and marks. This is definitely required. But the problems facing the society today is arising from BEHAVIOURAL aspects of a persons life. There are several LIFE SKILLS and SOCIETAL SKILLS that are needed to be taught, and absorbed by the students in such a way, that they understand the deeper import of these SKILLS and use them, adopt them and apply them in real life. Let us look at certain behavior patterns which impacts society (Illustratively) wasting water, throwing garbage in public places, polluting the air, polluting the water ways, rash driving, haphazard parking, lack of integrity in public and private life, not treating all human beings equally, not following all government laid rules like filing returns, paying taxes etc., not taking care of elders, not keeping public hygiene and public health, not following hand hygiene, poor women safety etc., and many more. Plus understanding of all aspects of Indian Constitution, other important rules and regulations etc. which impacts a persons life. Assume everyone in the country adopts these SKILLS imagine how the country would be in 25 years time from now? We have a long way to go. Apart from Industrial, Agricultural and Service Revolution we need a CULTURAL REVOLUTION. So in addition to knowledge which enables someone to make a living, we also need to substantially focus on SKILLS which enables a person to MANAGE his LIFE in a HAPPY way.
What do we need?
A balanced education system which balances Knowledge (Help people to earn a living), Physical Fitness and Mental Fitness (Lead a Healthy, Happy Life) and Life Skills (Help People to be good citizens and help manage relationships with other people, society, government, environment etc.)
What may be done?
The Government has to sit with all stakeholders and develop a more holistic education system which balances Knowledge, Fitness, Life Skills and other areas which are important for the future of the country and future of the universe.
