This is the fourth post in this series
Manageable Temperature during summers
Manageable Temperature during summers
What is the problem?
30 years ago, in the city in which I live now, the temperature during summer i.e. May used to be in the mid 30's. Now the temperature is almost touching mid 40's. This is a massive change. Summers are becoming unbearable. The reasons may be many, the most important being our neglect of nature and the environment. To enable Industrial and other developments like roads, airports, and also buildings etc. we have cut trees in large numbers. Second water bodies have been damaged in many places. I am sure there are other reasons for the increase in temperatures like increase in green house gases, loss of forest and jungle areas which used to absorb some of the heat etc. If we keep living like this in another 30 years the temperature may start touching higher of 50's making living almost difficult and unsustainable. This is a dangerous situation and more importantly this is the world we are leaving for the next generations. This is not acceptable.
What do we want?
The rise in temperatures must be controlled and then slow reduction may be attempted. Ideally it will be comfortable to have temperatures around the mid 30's. This also means we use less air conditioning, thereby further reducing impact on environment and we also reduce water loss etc.
What can be done?
Growth of the country should not be at the cost of the environment. More importantly growth should not make life difficult. Leading a comfortable life is also an important requirement. The entire development plan must be seen in the environment perspective and further damage must be completely arrested. The problems already created must be pro actively solved like increasing tree coverage, increasing forest coverage, increasing parks and greenery, retrieving water bodies and allowing free flow of water etc. Renewable sources of energy must be used more and dependence on fossil fuels reduced. The Government has already initiated some steps in this regard. But this must be implemented across India and let us say in 2050 temperatures are back to mid 30's. It can be done.
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